Plumbers’ Resolutions for 2022

A new year brings new goals for the team at Hudson Plumbing. Continue reading below to see how our Martinsville plumbing crew intends to tackle 2022!

Dean Hudson – Owner/President

“To kill more moles than Kedge…and to take better care of the yard.”

Kedge Benge – Lead Project Estimator

“To have the best prank in the office for the year.”

Lyndsey Scott – Office Manager

“No pop…all year!”

Josh Claywell – Journeyman Plumber

“Same as last year, to quit smoking.”

Nate Clift – Journeyman Plumber

“Droppin’ some LBs.”

Elliott Scott – Marketing Manager

“Workout 5x per week. Go on a weekly date with my wife. Buy a new gun for the house.”

Keaton Hudson – Service Manager

“Read 4 books. Pass my contractor’s test. Workout 3x per week. Stop eating so much Greek’s pizza.”

Brad Voyles – Parts Manager

“Mine is to not have a New Year’s Resolution. :)”

Mike Marlnee – Lead Plumbing Foreman

“Keep fine tuning my ability as a plumber and to be a better leader.”

Nicholas Kennedy – Journeyman Plumber

“To get work tablets.”

There you have it! Our plumbing New Year’s Resolutions. We’re so excited to begin a fresh, new year serving Martinsville and the surrounding area. Contact the plumber Morgan County has trusted for 30 years to deliver excellent plumbing repairs and replacements.

(Psst… Save 10% on your winter plumbing costs by signing up for the Hudson Membership Plan!)


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